2600+ years in the collective production of Greek Agricultural Products

DELPHI PRODUCTS grown in Fokeon Gaia (land) in Central Greece by AGROANAPTIXI Co.

“DELPHI PRODUCTS” (onion and potatoes mainly) have been produced in the land of thousands of years of history and they are rooted in the collaboration and the collective effort of the inhabitants of the same land, created by the Fokeon Society 2600+ years ago.

The collaboration with the big chips potato manufacturing companies in Greece for more than 20 years, has made AGROANAPTIXI Co one of the biggest suppliers in a demanding reliable high quality product disposal.

In 2011, fresh onions and potatoes began to be cultivated. Today the company through its 25 contractual growers with more than 7.000 tns onions & 10.000 tns potatoes production annually has the ability to supply all major buyers in the Greek, European market (supermarkets, wholesalers, etc.) ICM certified or in accordance to customer specifications.



Potato is a very nutritious vegetable. A medium potato (173 gr) has 163 calories, no fat, is an excellent source of potassium (helps control blood pressure) and vitamin C. It is also a good source of natural fibers, magnesium, copper, magnesium, niacin, vitamin B of folic acid.


Onions are a very good dietary choice for vitamin C. Extra valuable nutrients and nutrients for the human body such as Potassium, magnesium, calcium and fiber. It is a vegetable rich in trace elements and ideal for moisturizing the skin.

We suggest...

Stuffed baked potatoes with cheese, fresh onions and onions

If you are a potato lover, you will love this recipe! Stuffed baked potatoes with cheese and bacon will give your table a festive feel, without even having to spend all your free time in the kitchen to prepare it.


Fokeon Gaia is not another random title of a business

Fokeon Gaia is not another random title of a business

It is a title we intend to honor, honoring the land that has given us quality fruits for thousands of years now.